• News

    Free In-World Second Life Gift Week Aug 10 – Aug 17th ONLY

    We’ve got a great free gift in the main hall of our main store in-world at Valentis. 1 Land Impact Collection of Library books. FREE this week only, in-world only. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Velentis/149/54/24

    #secondlifemarketplace #SecondLife #secondlifededoc #homedecor #Books #lIBRARYbOOKS #secondlifestyle#3dcgi#3dmodeling #Meshmodeling# meshcreation #mesh #graphicart #cgart

    I do custom mesh requests. Static mesh+ AO only, no textures. 100% exclusive rights to you to use.II create the base you add your fantastic textures to sell as your very own.EXCLUSIONS do apply. Meshes delivered in-World. Meshes CAN NOT be sold full perms or as kits nor given away.

  • Masterminds

    Masterminds Welcome!

    Wyndavere City Proudly welcomes “Mastermind meetup.”

    @ Cafe’ Make, Wyndavere City !

    The Bravest thing you can do is follow your dreams, and reaching them is dependent on a strong support system.

    Some of us are blessed  to have great support from friends and family.  Sadly, this is  usually not the case. 

    Do your friends tug at your arm to go out with them when you mention working towards your dream? Is your family nagging you to “get your head out the clouds and get a Real Job?” I know I know, we’ve all been there, we love them for who they are and cherish their  company but let’s admit it, they’re not the best crowd when we are trying to reach our dreams.

    We all need someone to believe in us.

     Why not let me be that someone to you while you be that someone to me? I need you to pick me up when I fall and I promise to push you onward when you want to stop.

    That’s exactly what the MasterMind meetups are for! To help you get the support you need to go after your goals. We want to help you be courageous, We want you to be courageous, tackle the big dreams,the ones that keep you up at night….You know, the ones even YOU thinks are to nuts to to go after!

    Mastermind Meetups will be held twice on Sundays, once in the morning once in the evening ensuring everyone is full of positive energy and ready to crush it Monday morning.


    Get ready to  take on your goals!

    Our first official meetup will be:

    June 24th,2018

    6am-7am SLT and 6pm-7pm SLT

    @ Cafe’Make

    Bldg 2 , 2nd Floor

    Wyndavere City


    This will be a meet and greet where we’ll all introduce ourselves and review (with your input) the goals of the Mastermind Meetups.

    This is NOT a Second Life builders club, anyone with a dream is welcome and encouraged to join. These discussions are lead by Wynd Ling, and totally FREE (donations are always welcome!)


    Please join the Wyndavere City Second Life group or follow us on Twitter, Subscribo,or @ Wyndaveres.com to keep up to date on future events. Upon joining the group send a quick IM to Wynd Ling and request a “Mastermind” title. I look forward to  seeing you all there!


  • Cafe'Make Art Gallery
    New Products

    Cafe’Make ~ you won’t believe the views

    The views are elegant with framed  sunsets, beaches, steampunk ships and architecture dancing across the walls of the Cafe’Make Gallery space. Come in and enjoy the intimate cafe’ space , the perfect place to  gather with  your most creative friends.

    Teleport in Second Life
    click to Teleport in Second Life

    This week’s artist additions are some of the very best shots of my early day  Second Life adventures. The ships and seashores pull you in, and if you wish to  stay forever captivated you can purchase these photographs for a modest drop of $L  into my dream bucket.

    BYOB your own coffee,

    See you real soon,Wynd

  • Tips

    Wynd’s tips #1 ~ Improve your snapshot.

    Wynd’s Tips #1

    Kicking off the new series “Wynd’s Tips.” Every other Wednesday I will be posting a new tip to help you not only live an easier Second Life but first life too. We humans can really over complicate things can’t we?

    So,  check back often for new exciting additions to Wyndavere’s on the web. Occasionally when I find new , beautiful places, I invite members of the Wyndavere City group to join me on photography outings, join the Wyndavere City group if you would like to  shoot with me!  The coffee is good and the company is not  to bad either 🙂 

    *claps my hands together* now lets get into the tip already!


    Tip #1

    Improve your Snapshot quality by using the “Snapshot to Disk” option!

    Not only will you have a copy stored to your hard drive but it will be of superior quality compared to ones you Snapshot to your inventory, and who doesn’t want to hold on to those moments forever?!

    If you would like to see some of  my own photography stop by “Cafe’Make.” I’ve been a resident of Second Life for over  11 years and these are some of the photos I have shot while traveling the grid.

    I also do photography for weddings, first dates, birthday parties and any other live event request you might have. Check out my services for information on my rates and packages.


  • Sunday sale in Secondlife from Wyndaveres

    Because you’re Special Sunday Sale

    Sunday sale in Secondlife from Wyndaveres
    Click to go to the Marketplace Now!

    It’s the “Because you’re special Sunday Sale!” Whats that you say?

    Well, in efforts to do our small part to create a world that’s more giving we’re giving incentive to do something nice for a person who is near and dear to your heart.

    We’re giving YOU a FREE gift just for purchasing a gift for someone else. Pretty cool  huh!

    Rules… are simply too!

    Purchases A gift from Wyndavere’s  for your best friend, favorite singer, the peanut butter to your jelly during the “Because you’re Special Sunday sale” and we’ll send you a Gift of Gratitude on the following Monday for your good deed.

    It’s simple, and You’ll feel awesome and they’re feel awesome knowing that you  are thinking on them.

    Thanks for being an awesome human, Wynd Ling