Sneak Peek
Sneak Peek – The Popcorn Tree
We’re so proud to be helping MaddiesonRose , Owner of “The Popcorn Tree ” children’s apparel bring a bright, fun new look to her brand! MaddiesonRose creates beautiful clothing for Toddleedoo Baby, Toddleedoo Kid, Bad Seed Bebe. & Badseed Kid mesh bodies in Second Life .
Isn’t it time your brand got a makeover?
Purchase the “hobbyist branding package” today for only 100L$ to secure your FREE consultation for Wyndavere’s today.
Thank you for your support for the arts & Artists in Second Life and across all Virtual worlds of the World Wide Web. Become a Patron today and get exclusive access to pick my brain to better your business today. !
Sneak Peek tags,stickers & Vendors oh my !
This week’s special sneak peek into the workshop is a set 100% Mesh 3d CGI Modeled in Autodesk 3ds Max & CasperVend ready for Second Life !
I’m obsessed with making storefronts look pretty – if you’ve seen the Wyndaveres Branding Packages , you’ll know this to be true.
After working with artists for 20 + years there’s a few commonalities – patterns you’ll begin to see, that’s how it happened for me.
Artists, creators, inventors and innovators are a special breed. We enjoy nothing more than to be locked up in a studio, held hostage by a brain full of ideas that NEED to be released into the world. This romanticized life is not all Einstein hair-dos and Tesla coils though; there’s an ugly side. ( I’m not talking about the pile of plates on the floor) I’m talking about advertising.
We LOVE to create, but as a collective, we also HATE to market.
That’s where a quirky OCD, big-haired, glasses wearing geek like me comes into your life- I’m the artists who loves making the shite everyone needs and no one WANTS to make.
Hope you love these new tags as much as I do, Shouldn’t all of our stores have the unique touches to show the world your unique personality?
Get a consultation today & let’s get your branding needs met with my specially , Second Life ONLY priced “Branding by Wyndavere [ Hobbyist Package ] Consultation !”
– Wynd -
Sneak Peek Mistress’ Wishes HUD for Second Life
The ” Mistress’ Wishes HUD ” for SecondLife It’s a sneak peek WIP to be released Next Tuesday! There’s still a few Sale items at our MP, help us make room for NEW products to love. #Wyndaveres #Sneakpeek #Secondlife #BDSM #Lifestyle #organizer #planner #3dcgi #VFX #Interface #HUD
Sneak Peek BIG news reveal
Wynkie Wear, the brand that never was has been SOLD!
Sometime ago I introduced you all to a durpy sock puppet named Wynkie, with the intent of branching off and making a slightly naughty but quite comical line of fashion nobility items.
Fairwell Wynkie, Enjoy your new home. The truth is while I really enjoyed working on that branding package and all that went with it, I would like Wyndaveres to stay fresh, clean , romantic.
It feels warm and cozy in here and I would like to keep it that way. Don’t get me wrong I’m not all beds of roses and romance, but I think giving Wynkie his own space, a proper home for his humor is the right move.
So fairwell Wynkie, I know your new owner will give you all you need to thrive!
Fairwell, but not goodbye of course as the new fella will be opening his store Summer 2018 and promises to bring this brand to full life. Congratulations and enjoy your journey!
If you are interested in getting some help developing your own store/product branding contact me for pricing and to review your project or ask questions, ideas and knowledge are nearly always sometimes free.
who’s on first? Wait there’s 2 firsts!
Sneak peek Who’s on first? Wait there’s 2 firsts!
Welcome to another edition of Sneak Peek, this is where you’re welcomed step inside the workshop to check out what’s coming next to Wyndavere City.
It’s been a busy,busy,busy week at Wyndavere’s!
We’ve got numerous additions to the galley at Cafe’Make where for the first time, you can view and purchase photography by me, Wynd Ling.
These photos are a collection of over 11 years touring the Second Life grid where I’ve captured some of the most beautiful landscapes residents have created.
Taking photos in Second Life is one of my all-time favorite pastimes, if you should ever wish to grab your camera and head out to explore with me, please join Wyndavere City Second Life Group to be informed about future photo expeditions.
Also coming this week is another First for Wyndavere’s. I’ve been creating in Second Life for as long as I have been a part of this wonderful community. In that time so much has changed as prims gave way to sculpt later to be replaced by full fledged CGI mesh models and rigging.
In efforts to make room for newer creations, Wyndavere’s is proud to have our first ever discount store! Located on the second Level Of Wyndavere’s & packed full of “Circa Noobie” vintage works. This section serves both as a museum of progress and a great place to pick up some “oldies but goodies” creations at extremely discounted rates.
All items are between L$0 – L$80.
At Wyndavere City we’re constantly adding new, wonderful products and events, stop in often to catch the latest news about sales, discounts and events offered to you, the wonderful residents of Second life! Want more? Join the Wyndavere City group today.
Test post Sneak Peek