I’m so inspired, “I just can’t hide it, I’m about to lose control & I think I like it!”
Did you notice we’ve been under construction – Shifts eyes left, then right admiring the NEW WEBSITE!
The past few years have been bumpy for me & those who are close to me, but I’m FINALY feeling GOOD, which mean that I can get back to doing what I love. ♥
I can return to creating, sharing knowledge, teaching and brainstorming with the Second Life community, and other (secret) communities too, but I’ll leave those secrets for another post.
Fear is a funny thing & loneliness is it’s best friend, those two move in and the next thing you know BOOM! isolation. The WORST part- is not the depression that follows but the lack of inspiration, motivation, and ultimately your creativity vanishes.
You know, for a while I thought… Well, I thought a lot of things, like the lie I’d tell myself every day, “No one likes you.” Ugh! Through that lie, I gave myself a justified reason, NOT to go out! To sit alone and “work.” I mean really, those people are distracting aren’t they?
Sure, it worked… For a while, until it spiraled and suddenly I was uninspired, I was alone, and I lost all motivation to do much of anything really. I stopped trusting people. I became became suspicious, and judgmental. Eventually I stopped trusting me. I mean I could not even walk out the door without questioning “Did I leave the stove on?” Honestly, it got pretty bad.
Have you ever found yourself in the same spot? If you have then you know it SUCKS!
If you’re there now, hopefully this will inspire you to change it. After all, only you can make the choice to change you, even your depression is a choice. “I’ve got the right to lay here, I’m DEPRESSED!”
I talk about these experiences more in depth at the Sunday “Mastermind Meet-ups” In Second Life. I’ve hosted these meet-ups for a few months now and I have to say, the creatives who come in and share their struggles on their paths to excellence, they are AWESOME! Do you want to get out of a funk FAST? Then GET OUT!
If you’ve never attended a Mastermind Meetup I welcome you too. We’ll be rebooting the program this June , we’ll meet every Sunday at 5pm SLT for 8 weeks! At minimum- y