Sneak Peek tags,stickers & Vendors oh my !
This week’s special sneak peek into the workshop is a set 100% Mesh 3d CGI Modeled in Autodesk 3ds Max & CasperVend ready for Second Life !
I’m obsessed with making storefronts look pretty – if you’ve seen the Wyndaveres Branding Packages , you’ll know this to be true.
After working with artists for 20 + years there’s a few commonalities – patterns you’ll begin to see, that’s how it happened for me.
Artists, creators, inventors and innovators are a special breed. We enjoy nothing more than to be locked up in a studio, held hostage by a brain full of ideas that NEED to be released into the world. This romanticized life is not all Einstein hair-dos and Tesla coils though; there’s an ugly side. ( I’m not talking about the pile of plates on the floor) I’m talking about advertising.
We LOVE to create, but as a collective, we also HATE to market.
That’s where a quirky OCD, big-haired, glasses wearing geek like me comes into your life- I’m the artists who loves making the shite everyone needs and no one WANTS to make.

Hope you love these new tags as much as I do, Shouldn’t all of our stores have the unique touches to show the world your unique personality?
Get a consultation today & let’s get your branding needs met with my specially , Second Life ONLY priced “Branding by Wyndavere [ Hobbyist Package ] Consultation !”
– Wynd