• Tips

    Wynds tips #4 SEO Search Engine Optimization

    Wynd’s Tips #4 SEO ( Search Engine Optimization )  it’s for SecondLife too!

    SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for you! If you Optimize it they will come!

    SEO Search Engine Optimization

    Second Life is a search Engine no different from Google.

    Grab your customers & the Second Life Search engine’s attention by giving your products User-friendly/Search Engine friendly names, descriptions, & don’t forget to check off the “Show in Search” option on every new creation!

    Be Seen & Heard!

    If you don’t know what Search Engine Optimization is, think of it as the thesis statement to sum up a story. , At a quick glance, you want the search engine and  your customers to know exactly what it is you have to sell.

    Pick the most important words for both people and the Second Life search to know what it is you are selling and why they should buy it.

    Algorithm priority is typically given to  Username, Store Name, Creator Name, first 60 characters of the object title, first 160 characters to the object’s description. Make use of all of these fields to maximize your exposure through keyword rich copy.  

    Look for a Full 2 part series for both in-world products and  SecondLife Marketplace listings in the coming weeks and then the second part  2 weeks from then.

    OOooorr you can even contact me in world for a one on one chat over a cup of coffee at Wyndavere’s in SecondLife.


  • Cafe'Make Art Gallery
    New Products

    Cafe’Make ~ you won’t believe the views

    The views are elegant with framed  sunsets, beaches, steampunk ships and architecture dancing across the walls of the Cafe’Make Gallery space. Come in and enjoy the intimate cafe’ space , the perfect place to  gather with  your most creative friends.

    Teleport in Second Life
    click to Teleport in Second Life

    This week’s artist additions are some of the very best shots of my early day  Second Life adventures. The ships and seashores pull you in, and if you wish to  stay forever captivated you can purchase these photographs for a modest drop of $L  into my dream bucket.

    BYOB your own coffee,

    See you real soon,Wynd