Sunday, Nov 29th 4pm SLT
Tonight our Masterminds take to the stage for an exclusive production. You can’t see these designs anywhere else, you’ve got to be at the show to peek into the minds of our creators.
Members of our Audience have a chance at winning 500L$ big ones in our trivia round presented by our Quiz Master at the end of the show.
ALL are welcome to the show.
You’re a Mastermind, you were born to create!
Join us today.
Velentis Presents – second Mastermind Meet up!
Yesterday, Novemeber 8, @ 4pm SLT (Pst) we brainstormed!
Velentis Presents – Brainstorming!
This week we brainstormed big ideas and got a quick look at two masterminds at work as they showed off their inspirational rendition of what “It’s a Wonderful Life” is inspiring them to create!
Panundrum presented images of a 1940’s outfit and Kizmut showed a tree while telling us a tale of peace that the tree means to him.
Ashuri, though unable to attend, also submitted his title and inspiration for his interpretation of the times, the magic & the message of the film.
We dove into hard topics, answering the question:
What keeps you from completing your projects?
Even if you could not attend this week’s meet-up, I encourage you to do the exercise on your own & reap the benefits because when we know better we do better.
If we can identify our distractions, fears, & negative self-talk we can begin to catch ourselves in the act, and redirect that energy into succeeding.
Next Sunday, November 15th @ 4pm SLT (pst) is the official launch of our very first Velentis Presents Show & tell! Audience members are both welcomed and encouraged to attend!
Haven’t signed up for the challenge yet?
There’s still time!
Simply submit your project title & brief description on or BEFORE Sunday, November 15th @ 4pm.
Velentis Presents “It’s a Wonderful Life” Mastermind Challenge is an 8 week studio project presentation experience – ALL mediums digital & traditional welcome!
You must be a member of our Second Life group & Discord channel. Full Rules are posted on our Discord Channel! Click the links below to become a Mastermind today!
“It’s a Wonderful Life” Mastermind Challenge signup.