Velentis Presents – second Mastermind Meet up!
Yesterday, Novemeber 8, @ 4pm SLT (Pst) we brainstormed!
Velentis Presents – Brainstorming!
This week we brainstormed big ideas and got a quick look at two masterminds at work as they showed off their inspirational rendition of what “It’s a Wonderful Life” is inspiring them to create!
Panundrum presented images of a 1940’s outfit and Kizmut showed a tree while telling us a tale of peace that the tree means to him.
Ashuri, though unable to attend, also submitted his title and inspiration for his interpretation of the times, the magic & the message of the film.
We dove into hard topics, answering the question:
What keeps you from completing your projects?
Even if you could not attend this week’s meet-up, I encourage you to do the exercise on your own & reap the benefits because when we know better we do better.
If we can identify our distractions, fears, & negative self-talk we can begin to catch ourselves in the act, and redirect that energy into succeeding.
Next Sunday, November 15th @ 4pm SLT (pst) is the official launch of our very first Velentis Presents Show & tell! Audience members are both welcomed and encouraged to attend!
Haven’t signed up for the challenge yet?
There’s still time!
Simply submit your project title & brief description on or BEFORE Sunday, November 15th @ 4pm.
Velentis Presents “It’s a Wonderful Life” Mastermind Challenge is an 8 week studio project presentation experience – ALL mediums digital & traditional welcome!
You must be a member of our Second Life group & Discord channel. Full Rules are posted on our Discord Channel! Click the links below to become a Mastermind today!
“It’s a Wonderful Life” Mastermind Challenge signup.
Reminder 6pm SLT (PST) Mastermind #3
Session 2 of the day 6pm SLT (PST) @CafeMake in SecondLife
We’ll be brainstorming to help our fellow masterminds come up with ways to reach their dreams.
Worksheet from last week found here
Mastermind Meetup #3 Dreamscaping
Mastermind Meetup #2 recap & Mastermind #3
Another successful meetup! Thank you all for coming.
At Sunday’s, July 1st Mastermind Meetup we delve deep into the psychology of the artistic, entrepreneurial mind, by asking one Question.
What drives you?
We defined the Differences of Mattering,Belonging & Safety driven action & inaction. Each Mastermind told us what drives them so that the rest of the group can make sure they are responding in a way that is helpful and encouraging to You.
When you receive the type of support you need your mind stays open,receptive and totally creative!
We also asked…
What’s your dream? What’s your obstacle?
Each Mastermind presented their dream and the obstacles keeping them from achieving that dream. Some dreamed of designing video games, while others to build museums, each having unique obstacles: confidence, procrastination, time, skills. Not surprisingly, most obstacles are those that live in our minds.
Imagine you are sitting there and you think “OMG I have the best idea!”
We’ve all been there, in the excitement and the thrills of a creative breakthrough, the moment when the little hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as the fabulous idea seems to suddenly appear out of nowhere in your Eureka Moment.
Personally, I think this is what Heaven is.
Unfortunately, moments later, your critter brain chimes in as self doubt sets in.
“Who do you think you are?” “You don’t have time for this.” Or my personal recording “ Great Idea! yeah… for someone else.” The initial thoughts are followed by ALL reasons why you can’t do it.
You can thank your primal brain for this as it does not care what you dream to do, it’s job is to protect you and safety lives in the comfort zone, not in the creative realm of change. But we can’t place all the blame on your brain, you can also thank adults who poisoned your childlike mind with those negative recordings. Think about it, why on earth would you in your right mind speak to yourself in such a way? Someone must have put those doubts there in the first place.
Take aways:
- Support your fellow Masterminds on their terms meeting their needs, but you must first know what those terms are. What’s your driver? Is it Safety, Belonging or Mattering?
- Realise your brain will trick you into doing nothing, it’s job is to protect you so you’ll have to fight again it if you want to succeed.
For next Sunday’s Mastermind Meetup July 8th, please complete your Dream Planner worksheet
Name your dream, describe emotional reactions you’ll get to achieving that dream, List a few role models who have done Exactly or nearly exactly what you dream to do, and lastly name the tangible target when do you know you have achieved your dream?
Can’t wait to see you all there, Dream big friends!
Next Mastermind Meetup: Sunday July 8,2018
6am-7am SLT session 1 + 6pm-7pm SLT session 2 @ Cafe’ Make, Wyndavere City
Please join the Wyndavere City Second Life group or follow us on Twitter, Subscribo,or @ Wyndaveres.com to keep up to date on future events. Upon joining the group send a quick IM to Wynd Ling and request a “Mastermind” title. I look forward to seeing you all there!
What is a Mastermind Meetup?
Mastermind Meetups are discussion based workshops where the participants (Masterminds) work together to give each other the support we need to achieve our goals and dreams.
We all started as big thinkers, dreamers, genius’ but somewhere along our walk in “reality” an adult in our lives, perhaps a teacher or parent, friend or lover thought they would “save” us and tell us directly or indirectly, “give it up kid!” Unfortunately, we believed these adults in our lives (assuming they knew better) & without questioning their reasoning we gave up. “You’re right Joe, I don’t know what I was thinking!? I should go give up this fantasy and go find a real job.”
If you’ve never had the support you need to succeed I invite you to come make a New Family with the Masterminds.
These workshops not only designed to give you support but also a safe place for you to dream big with plenty of cheers and praise along the way to reaching your milestones, and the energy of a group where You belong.
Lastly, and quite important, you’ll learn tools to help you succeed.
- Rewire your brain through neuroplasticity. you’ll learn how to get past the bad days using psychology to dispel limiting beliefs, create new habits & build confidence.
- Plan your dreams and make them real through tailored lessons in dream planning with useful worksheets & idea generating sessions(brainstorming.)
- Learn to work smarter…not harder. by making connections that will save you time. No one ever succeeded at ANYTHING alone so don’t think you will either! You’ll need contacts, knowledge, and the mind-power of the many to succeed.
Mastermind Meetups are held every Sunday 7am SLT (PST) & 5pm SLT (PST) @ CafeMake with other venues coming soon! Once attending you’ll also be given an invite to join us on our Discord Channel giving you one more way to stay in touch with fellow Masterminds.
If you’re ready to take real action & go for your dreams I invite you to join us this Sunday at the “Mastermind Meetup” in Secondlife.
Be in the know!
Please join the Wyndavere City Second Life group or follow us on Twitter, Subscribo,or @ Wyndaveres.com to keep up to date on future events. Upon joining the group send a quick IM to Wynd Ling and request a “Mastermind” title. I look forward to seeing you all there!
Reminder: Mastermind Meetup #2
Mastermind Meetup #2 Dream a little Dream
Mastermind #1 Recap & Mastermind Meetup #2
On Sunday June 24,2018 we had our very first mastermind Meetup & it was a great success! Thank you all for joining us for our very first Mastermind Meetup (cheers wildly.)
For those who missed out I’ll be submitting a recap after each and every Sunday’s Meetups combining useful information from both the 6am-7am & the 6pm-7pm sessions, but please do join us at @ Cafe’ Make, Wyndavere City to get the most out of the project. Showing up is the first step to succeeding at ANYTHING!
During our flagship meetup we covered a range of topics from psychology- why you don’t believe you can do it, or why you lack motivation, and even some stories told by other Masterminds. Here is a recap:
Host introduction: Hello I’m Wynd Ling, SecondLife resident of over 11 years (and counting), artist, architect, entrepreneur, leader, teacher and life loving psychology junkie info sponge!
Mastermind Introduction: The idea of mastermind groups was first introduced in the 1930’s in Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” and later in “The Success Alliance.” A Mastermind it is a group of people with drive, determination, and love of their craft who give each other support and brainstorm ideas to help them reach their fullest potential,and ultimately fulfill their dreams.
The goal of these meetups is the same, support each other because success is determined not by drive alone but by the people you surround yourself with. A group of supportive high energy peers will be worth more to you than a certificate or money because of the time it will save you to reach your dreams sooner.
Look back through history, all of us could have been Einstein or De Vinci, or even some of my personal heroes, Oprah and Ellen, if only we’d had that one person who believed in us, even when we did not believe in ourselves.
I invite you to be that person for someone else and let us be your people too.
See these ideas in action with Barbara Sher’s Tedx Talk
- Dreams are built by connection. Networking and surrounding yourself by people who want to help solve your problems.
- A dream should be something within your control…So as much as I too would like world peace, I can not control all the people in the world so this is not a good, concrete goal to go after, though I’m not suggesting you don’t do your part by being a good human.
- A dream needs a problem to solve, as Barbara Says “Even people who don’t like you will want to help you solve your problem.”
For next Sunday’s Mastermind Meetup July 1st please think up a dream you want.
Example: I want to tour the world
Obstacle: but I don’t have the money (finally “But’s” do matter!)
Can’t wait to see you all there, Dream big friends!
Next Mastermind Meetup: Sunday July 1,2018
6am-7am SLT session 1 + 6pm-7pm SLT session 2 @ Cafe’ Make, Wyndavere City
Please join the Wyndavere City Second Life group or follow us on Twitter, Subscribo,or @ Wyndaveres.com to keep up to date on future events. Upon joining the group send a quick IM to Wynd Ling and request a “Mastermind” title. I look forward to seeing you all there!
Masterminds Welcome!
Wyndavere City Proudly welcomes “Mastermind meetup.”
@ Cafe’ Make, Wyndavere City !
The Bravest thing you can do is follow your dreams, and reaching them is dependent on a strong support system.
Some of us are blessed to have great support from friends and family. Sadly, this is usually not the case.
Do your friends tug at your arm to go out with them when you mention working towards your dream? Is your family nagging you to “get your head out the clouds and get a Real Job?” I know I know, we’ve all been there, we love them for who they are and cherish their company but let’s admit it, they’re not the best crowd when we are trying to reach our dreams.
We all need someone to believe in us.
Why not let me be that someone to you while you be that someone to me? I need you to pick me up when I fall and I promise to push you onward when you want to stop.
That’s exactly what the MasterMind meetups are for! To help you get the support you need to go after your goals. We want to help you be courageous, We want you to be courageous, tackle the big dreams,the ones that keep you up at night….You know, the ones even YOU thinks are to nuts to to go after!
Mastermind Meetups will be held twice on Sundays, once in the morning once in the evening ensuring everyone is full of positive energy and ready to crush it Monday morning.
Get ready to take on your goals!
Our first official meetup will be:
June 24th,2018
6am-7am SLT and 6pm-7pm SLT
@ Cafe’Make
Bldg 2 , 2nd Floor
Wyndavere City
This will be a meet and greet where we’ll all introduce ourselves and review (with your input) the goals of the Mastermind Meetups.
This is NOT a Second Life builders club, anyone with a dream is welcome and encouraged to join. These discussions are lead by Wynd Ling, and totally FREE (donations are always welcome!)
Please join the Wyndavere City Second Life group or follow us on Twitter, Subscribo,or @ Wyndaveres.com to keep up to date on future events. Upon joining the group send a quick IM to Wynd Ling and request a “Mastermind” title. I look forward to seeing you all there!
Cafe’Make ~ you won’t believe the views
The views are elegant with framed sunsets, beaches, steampunk ships and architecture dancing across the walls of the Cafe’Make Gallery space. Come in and enjoy the intimate cafe’ space , the perfect place to gather with your most creative friends.
This week’s artist additions are some of the very best shots of my early day Second Life adventures. The ships and seashores pull you in, and if you wish to stay forever captivated you can purchase these photographs for a modest drop of $L into my dream bucket.
BYOB your own coffee,
See you real soon,Wynd
Wynd’s Tips #2 – Improve your walk
Improve your walk!
Hold “ALT” and click on the back your avatar’s head. While holding your Left mouse button down, use “WASD” keys and walk normally. By doing so you’ll be able to turn on a dime & you’ll never fall off the balcony or stumble down a flight of stairs again!
Stop in next week for sneak peek and see what’s coming next to Wyndaveres.
who’s on first? Wait there’s 2 firsts!
Sneak peek Who’s on first? Wait there’s 2 firsts!
Welcome to another edition of Sneak Peek, this is where you’re welcomed step inside the workshop to check out what’s coming next to Wyndavere City.
It’s been a busy,busy,busy week at Wyndavere’s!
We’ve got numerous additions to the galley at Cafe’Make where for the first time, you can view and purchase photography by me, Wynd Ling.
These photos are a collection of over 11 years touring the Second Life grid where I’ve captured some of the most beautiful landscapes residents have created.
Taking photos in Second Life is one of my all-time favorite pastimes, if you should ever wish to grab your camera and head out to explore with me, please join Wyndavere City Second Life Group to be informed about future photo expeditions.
Also coming this week is another First for Wyndavere’s. I’ve been creating in Second Life for as long as I have been a part of this wonderful community. In that time so much has changed as prims gave way to sculpt later to be replaced by full fledged CGI mesh models and rigging.
In efforts to make room for newer creations, Wyndavere’s is proud to have our first ever discount store! Located on the second Level Of Wyndavere’s & packed full of “Circa Noobie” vintage works. This section serves both as a museum of progress and a great place to pick up some “oldies but goodies” creations at extremely discounted rates.
All items are between L$0 – L$80.
At Wyndavere City we’re constantly adding new, wonderful products and events, stop in often to catch the latest news about sales, discounts and events offered to you, the wonderful residents of Second life! Want more? Join the Wyndavere City group today.