New Release! ~ Gallery Frame
Who framed the artist?
This week Wyndavere’s is proud to present the %100 Original mesh gallery frames!
Whether you’re looking to frame your best girls portrait or your latest painting these 4 by 3 large format Art Gallery frames are perfect for the photographer,artist or fashion model in you.
Frame her beautiful head shot and hang it in your entry hall or your latest painting in the Posh gallery downtown.
These frames are 4mx3m landscape and 3mx4m portrait and offered in both scripted and non-scripted versions.
The true UV model is for the professional who wants to represent their work in all of it’s pixel glory.
With mod/copy perms you can scale, tint the mats and fill your entire gallery with only a small $180L investment.
The gallery frames are offered in darkwood,white,traditional black and blonde. They are 100%mesh,1 land impact,large format, high quality yet affordable. Stop in to Wyndavere’s and see them on display today! At work and your boss frowns on you sucking up the office bandwidth? Shop online @ https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/31298