Free In-World Second Life Gift Week Aug 10 – Aug 17th ONLY
We’ve got a great free gift in the main hall of our main store in-world at Valentis. 1 Land Impact Collection of Library books. FREE this week only, in-world only.
#secondlifemarketplace #SecondLife #secondlifededoc #homedecor #Books #lIBRARYbOOKS #secondlifestyle#3dcgi#3dmodeling #Meshmodeling# meshcreation #mesh #graphicart #cgart
I do custom mesh requests. Static mesh+ AO only, no textures. 100% exclusive rights to you to use.II create the base you add your fantastic textures to sell as your very own.EXCLUSIONS do apply. Meshes delivered in-World. Meshes CAN NOT be sold full perms or as kits nor given away.
The Meaning of Life.. Solved
Now that I have your attention with the heavy click bait title, I come open to you and promise more than click bait, as I believe I have really found the meaning of life, or the meaning of MY life as I am sure your purpose and meaning of YOUR life is unique to you. Why else would we have so many humans on earth ?
We all must have a reason to be here, a purpose that only you understand, a gift that is yours to give.
Without begin a total buzz kill – life has a funny way of telling us to love what we have.
Sometimes to take a break, we’ve gotta get knocked out health-wise and that’s exactly how it happened to me. I got sick.
Life, the limited time we get to visit earth was put into perspective, forcing me to take long walks, enjoy sunsets, and learn to appreciate all the tiny details of life. The experience has been amazing, I have never paused to learn to love me, always pouring all I have into the work, the thrill of busy always calling.
Through my illness I learned what I value most- family, friends, artists, creators, inventors, innovators & being a member of your team-cheering you on in ALL of your artistic endeavors !
I also got to explore the very depths of my soul and my soul is an artist. This work, job, my art, & being able to teach & encourage you is my reason for my life. A piece of me is in all of you and in my art too.
My passion for creation is as strong as ever!
Please visit my Second Life Marketplace to see the pieces of me in each of my creations. Stop by my home in Second Life to share your creations with me.
Completed! The Popcorn Tree
It was a fun project created the 3D model (mesh) for The Popcorn Tree children’s clothing store & working to meet the needs of little Miss MaddiesonRose. This was just the type of project I needed to keep me cheerful in our nearly post- apocalyptic scenario with the onset of Covid-19.
With all the bad news out there, let’s take just a moment to celebrate that we have Second Life !
Second Life residents have been practicing the art of staying home, keeping our hands to ourselves *winks* & creating vivid virtual worlds to escape to for YEARS!
Imagine if we didn’t have our online friends, family, homes, clubs, stores, and virtual experiences?!
IMAGINE if we had…NO INTERNET !!! *gasps* that would be awful.
BUT, since we do have our virtual lives, let’s take a moment to be thankful, to wish good health to ALL the people of earth too.
Thanks for being here- enjoying Second Life & thank you to all of you- the artists, builders, painters, content creators, business owners, scriptors, hosts/hostests, DJs, live entertainers, riggers, and model makers who make this place the greatest escape!
If you’re tired of getting lost in the shuffle and want your business to stand out please message Wynd Ling in world & check out our “Hobbyist Branding Package” available on the Second Life Marketplace.
With all of us being home bound & many losing their jobs the competition to stand out is growing more every day! I can’t wait to chat with you.
Sneak Peek – The Popcorn Tree
We’re so proud to be helping MaddiesonRose , Owner of “The Popcorn Tree ” children’s apparel bring a bright, fun new look to her brand! MaddiesonRose creates beautiful clothing for Toddleedoo Baby, Toddleedoo Kid, Bad Seed Bebe. & Badseed Kid mesh bodies in Second Life .
Isn’t it time your brand got a makeover?
Purchase the “hobbyist branding package” today for only 100L$ to secure your FREE consultation for Wyndavere’s today.
Thank you for your support for the arts & Artists in Second Life and across all Virtual worlds of the World Wide Web. Become a Patron today and get exclusive access to pick my brain to better your business today. !
Sneak Peek tags,stickers & Vendors oh my !
This week’s special sneak peek into the workshop is a set 100% Mesh 3d CGI Modeled in Autodesk 3ds Max & CasperVend ready for Second Life !
I’m obsessed with making storefronts look pretty – if you’ve seen the Wyndaveres Branding Packages , you’ll know this to be true.
After working with artists for 20 + years there’s a few commonalities – patterns you’ll begin to see, that’s how it happened for me.
Artists, creators, inventors and innovators are a special breed. We enjoy nothing more than to be locked up in a studio, held hostage by a brain full of ideas that NEED to be released into the world. This romanticized life is not all Einstein hair-dos and Tesla coils though; there’s an ugly side. ( I’m not talking about the pile of plates on the floor) I’m talking about advertising.
We LOVE to create, but as a collective, we also HATE to market.
That’s where a quirky OCD, big-haired, glasses wearing geek like me comes into your life- I’m the artists who loves making the shite everyone needs and no one WANTS to make.
Hope you love these new tags as much as I do, Shouldn’t all of our stores have the unique touches to show the world your unique personality?
Get a consultation today & let’s get your branding needs met with my specially , Second Life ONLY priced “Branding by Wyndavere [ Hobbyist Package ] Consultation !”
– Wynd -
Mastermind meetup Today!
Masterminds Kicks off today in Second Life @ 3pm SLT (pst)
#SecondLife #Wyndaveres #Masterminds
A New Year, A New Goal
We each hold unique value by the stroke of luck, you were a 1.1 trillion chance of you being you. Isn’t that amazing?!
The best gift you can give yourself and those you love is the permission to truly live your life on your terms!
We’re born creative, all of us hold a special gift that the world is waiting for you to reveal and it starts with a single step – a decision to make it happen!
Confidence is built by doing, if you are shivering with fear, sorrow in your eye, longing for meaning- isn’t it time you take the chance? Your very life might just depend on it- actually science proves it does.
Join us for 8 weeks, set a goal, and surround yourself by 8 other people who are willing to live this life we’ve been given, willing to take a risk with the reward being the chance to finally BE the true you expressed through creativity.
Kick off is at 3pm SLT (PST) Sunday January 26 . This series is totally FREE ! The best gift you can give to me, (though I’m not apposed to a few linden for new shoes or hair) is your time, your willingness to achieve , and the opportunity to cheer you on and see you shine.
- Meetups are Bi-weekly on Sundays @ 3pm SLT (PST) Wyndavere City
- January 26 – Intro – Program overview
- prerequisite – have your idea ready for project you’ll complete in 8 weeks
- February 9 – Round table
- 15 min recap , brainstorm, goal set, per mastermind.
- February 23 – Round table
- March 8 – Round table
- March 22 – Round Table wrap up & Celebration
- January 26 – Intro – Program overview
We ask each mastermind to come prepared, take risks, & be ready to work! it’s your dream/goal, it deserves your time.
Thank you and Welcome ,
- Meetups are Bi-weekly on Sundays @ 3pm SLT (PST) Wyndavere City
What’s your big idea?
Years ago I found myself in a conundrum. I was missing out!
I was missing out on conversations, friends stopping by to say hello, hugs and kisses from loved ones all for one reason- I had a a problem, a flipping problem.
I’d be at a party, or in the audience at the Snail races, or on my own sim brainstorming with clients – all the while missing key moments flipping.
The moment would hit me, the “My Big Idea” would come and I’d start flipping. I was flipping back and forth between Google Docs (now Google Drive), scribbling on post-it notes, in my sketch book, on napkins scattered on my desk – not only was this a fire hazard and caused many ideas to got lost on the floor or to have fallen into the trash, but I was going flipping mad!
Somewhere in those piles of frustration “My Big Idea” was born. The “My Big Idea HUD” is an inworld, UI driven HUD for Second Life. It allows you to stop the flipping and to jot down ideas on the go, AND you can even hit the “e-mail icon” to send those ideas to your phone, all from Second Life!
We’ve got many styles to choose from, your ideas are unique and so should be the HUD you write them in.
Don’t go flipping MAD like I nearly did, purchase your very own “Note Keeper” today.
Get it on Wyndaveres Second Life Marketplace.
For a full list features see our Note Keeper Support page.
Froggy Blue Note Keeper HUD for Second Life
Totally redone and ready for your purchase! If being cute while being organized is your thing, You’ll have to get the most adorable accessory from Wyndaveres. Get Froggy Blue Note Keeper HUD here.
#SecondLife #GUIdesign #UIdesign
Updated ! Death Note – Note Keeper HUD
The “Death Note” Note Keeper HUD has been updated just in time for Halloween!
We’re very excited to bring you this update which includes:
- removal of local chat messages ! Don’t worry, you’ll still get a quiet congratulations for achieving your goal.
- 100% Mesh design
- High Def textures !
If you’ve previously purchased this item contact me, Wynd Ling and we’ll get the update to you right away.
Not yet organized in your Second Life? We have many Note Keeper styles to choose from. Your HUD should match your unique personality.
Purchase NOW! Wyndaveres On the Second Life Marketplace .