Completed! The Popcorn Tree
It was a fun project created the 3D model (mesh) for The Popcorn Tree children’s clothing store & working to meet the needs of little Miss MaddiesonRose. This was just the type of project I needed to keep me cheerful in our nearly post- apocalyptic scenario with the onset of Covid-19.
With all the bad news out there, let’s take just a moment to celebrate that we have Second Life !
Second Life residents have been practicing the art of staying home, keeping our hands to ourselves *winks* & creating vivid virtual worlds to escape to for YEARS!
Imagine if we didn’t have our online friends, family, homes, clubs, stores, and virtual experiences?!
IMAGINE if we had…NO INTERNET !!! *gasps* that would be awful.
BUT, since we do have our virtual lives, let’s take a moment to be thankful, to wish good health to ALL the people of earth too.
Thanks for being here- enjoying Second Life & thank you to all of you- the artists, builders, painters, content creators, business owners, scriptors, hosts/hostests, DJs, live entertainers, riggers, and model makers who make this place the greatest escape!
If you’re tired of getting lost in the shuffle and want your business to stand out please message Wynd Ling in world & check out our “Hobbyist Branding Package” available on the Second Life Marketplace.

With all of us being home bound & many losing their jobs the competition to stand out is growing more every day! I can’t wait to chat with you.